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Palio dei Bracieri 2025 in Pesaro

The 13th edition of the event, which originated from a local legend, has been confirmed!


From 24 to 27 July at Rocca Costanza, in Pesaro

The local legend that gave rise to this 're-enactment' takes us back to the wedding breakfast of Costanzo Sforza and Camilla D'aragona.

As the wedding banquet went on, the servants, fuelled by the appetites of hungry guests, hurriedly shifted heavy pots loaded with tonnes of food from one side of the fortress to the other.

The event was created to honour these servants.

‘Garzoni' are young men from Pesaro who are chosen to represent the 12 contrade (neighbourhoods).

The young men compete in this exciting competition, which takes the form of a relay.

The Palio dei bracieri is both a competition (and above all) an entertainment event with a jam-packed schedule.

It is the perfect opportunity to visit Rocca Costanza, immersed in a festive atmosphere of flag wavers, drummers, and dancers.

Choose to stay with us in July and attend the Palio dei Bracieri (from 24 to 27 july TBC)

The programme is packed with entertainment: shows, music, and food and wine stalls...

At Hotel Delle Nazioni, we have a deep affection for our city and its cultural heritage, and the Rocca Costanza, where the Palio dei Bracieri takes place, is an extraordinary sight to behold.

Get in touch to book your stay
Call us on 📞 0721 69534, text us on 🟢Whatsapp HERE, or submit your request directly on this website.

All 1 step away from us

  • 0 meters from the beach
  • 500 meters from the center
  • 1,8 km from the station
  • 1.5 km from the Rossini Theater